Friends Groups Portraits 2017
Our 11 Friends Groups Portraits demonstrate the capacity, diversity and strengths of our groups and how they contribute to the upkeep of parks and reserves in Victoria.
Balancing conservation and tourism in Indonesia’s national parks
Australian and Indonesian Friends groups share a passion for nature, and a commitment to protecting parks.
Proposed Changes to Our Constitution
Constitutions can be fraught things, though they don’t need to be. They need to answer some important questions about an organisation and our current situation requires that we reconsider and decide these core questions.
The remarkable flights of the Bogong Moth
Every year Bogong Moths make a remarkable migration through south eastern Australia. What’s the story behind this mass movement?
Iramoo grassland centre and nursery
Plantings around Iramoo provide valuable seed and showcase the original flora of Melbourne's west.
Understanding wetland ecology
Understanding ecological drivers is the key to restoring degraded wetlands.