VEFN_Advocacy Guide_2024 LGA Elections

Elections are critical and powerful times to advocate for the environment, species and natural areas.

Local Government Area (LGA) Elections will be held in October across Victoria to elect Councillors to city and shire councils. Through September and October, LGA candidates will be campaigning to win votes. They are therefore interested in meeting with the community to discuss sensitive and important issues in their LGA.

Once elected, the new Council will prepare a 4-year Council Plan and a Council Budget. If actions are not in the Council Plan or Budget, it is very difficult to get support from Council. So, this is a critical period to lobby for actions for the environment and biodiversity to be included in the Council Plan and Council Budget within your LGA.


  • Sep – Oct: Council Candidates are campaigning
  • 7-25 Oct: Voting open (all voting by post)
  • Mid-November: Election results declared
  • Dec2024-Jun2025: New Council prepares a 4-year Council Plan and a Council Budget. 

What can you do in your LGA for the environment at election time and beyond?

  1. Meet with LGA candidates
  2. Provide feedback to develop the Council Plan and Council Budget
  3. Encourage your members and the community to advocate for the environment to your LGA

Your group probably has some key issues that you want to focus on in your LGA and discuss with candidates.

A few suggestions from us are that LGAs should:

  • Advocate to the Victorian Government to tighten development and planning issues around the environment and to improve tree protection laws on private land
  • Value the natural environment as an asset to improve health and wellbeing of all species, including humans: protect and restore creeks and rivers, create and improve wildlife corridors and support wildlife and biodiversity
  • Invest in Environment Community Groups: grants, clear guidelines for council engagement, in-kind support, training opportunities, council collaboration

To support your advocacy at LGA level, we have prepared the attached guide which has many ideas for you to consider in your LGA advocacy.

VEFN_Advocacy Guide_2024 LGA Elections

Good luck with your advocacy.

Anthony Bigelow                     Dr Nadine Richings

Convenor, VEFN                     Chair, VEFN Advocacy Subcommittee