Victoria’s environment minister Lily D’Ambrosio speaking at a recent networking forum.
In this edition of FriendsNet, read about VEFN’s new Constitution; nominate for the 2018 Best Friend Awards; Victorian Mallefowl recovery Group and new grants available and other stories.
- Nominations for VEFN 2018 Best Friend Award close Wednesday 27th
- Friends of Tyers Park make good use of Best Friend Award grant
- Victorian Malleefowl Recovery Group
- Report on Networking Forum in March
- Victorian Landcare Grants open
- Victorian Serrated Tussock Working Party
- VEFN 2018 Committee.
Suggestions for articles for FriendsNET are welcome. Please email to friendsvic@hotmail.com . If you want to include photos, please send as separate files in jpeg format, preferably in landscape.