The Victorian Environment Friends Network’s AGM will be held on Saturday 24 February 2018.
We have delayed the AGM to allow time to complete the revision of our Constitution. An agenda and papers will be finalised at the committee meeting in January and circulated by 24 January.
The principal focus of the AGM will be to consider a revised Constitution. We will also review VEFN’s activities; discuss further options for change and consider how best to make Friends’ voices heard and appreciated.
This is an important meeting for VEFN, so if you want the organisation to continue to be a strong advocate for Friends groups, come along and have your say.
We need more committee members, so if you are interested to nominate for the committee and/or one of the Executive positions (Convenor, Treasurer, Secretary), send your nomination to The Secretary at the email below.
Details of the venue will be decided as soon as possible, but will be at an accessible venue. A light lunch will be provided. Come along to the AGM and have your say.
Please register your attendance by email to The Secretary at